Are you thinking of donating to the
Nebraska Indian Community College?
Locally, the Nebraska Indian Community College collaborates and provides resources with the Omaha and Santee Sioux Nations directly for community development by providing quality higher education and lifelong educational opportunities for the Umonhon, Isanti, and all learners.
Regionally, we pool resources and provide articulation with many universities such as the University of Nebraska and the University of South Dakota to expand student achievement.
At a national level, The Nebraska Indian Community College is inter-governmental non-profit organization, a fully accredited member of the Higher Learning Commission with formed partnerships with the USDA Tribal Extension, Department of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Bureau of Indian Education, and the American Indian College Fund to assist in preparing students for their roles as citizens in this changing and complex environment.
The main obstacle that inhibits the fulfillment of our mission is consistent poverty faced upon these two Nations. As a result of this poverty, we are primarily funded through the federal government and assistance is provided through funding formulas that don’t add up to meet this need. This support is often highly restrictive and subject to commitment terms many times lasting less than a year. Federal policy through this standard approach of community development makes long term sustainability impractical.
This funding opportunity serves to sustain our core operations, language programs, and critical nation rebuilding strategies that provide for the strengthening of existing programs, development of new programs, funding of scholarships, and the replacement of outdated equipment.
We have been blessed with a strong balance of board members who are consistent and diligent in recognizing our need to diversify our funding sources to sustain our mission within the communities we serve.
Like many for profit organizations, our non-profit organization has streamlined operations for efficient and productive activities in chase of our mission. Our tightly run core executive committee guides careful policies that are necessary and provide for accountability. Our dedicated employees, instructors, and staff efforts are unwavering as they see the effects of this poverty daily to which they work long and hard to carry out our mission. All of which give for this very same purpose either through financial means of employee donations or through in-kind efforts.
Our educational environment represents a valuable and necessary balance between higher education and culture to elevate the future of students and community members in a productive and meaningful way for themselves and their families.
Donate through PayPal by clicking on the donate button:
Or Scan the QR Code below:
Checks can be made out to Nebraska Indian Community College and sent to this address:
Nebraska Indian Community College
ATTN: College Foundation
P.O. Box 428
Macy, NE 68039
Please include your contact information in order to receive a receipt, your wishes on how you’d like to be recognized, and information on how you would like your gift to be used.
Nebraska Indian Community College is a public, non-profit organization. If you wish to donate to pg电子app下载, your donation is tax deductible. Our tax ID number is 47-0623553.
Donations can go toward:
- Unrestricted funds, for Nebraska Indian Community College General Fund
- Specific Goals or Programs
- Digitization of Archival Records
- Umonhon Language Program
- Dakota Language Program
- Nebraska Indian Community College Foundation
Contact Us
For questions about donating to pg电子app下载, please call Loretta Broberg (Business Office Director) at (402) 241-5470 or .
Thank You For Your Support!
Those who have supported pg电子app下载 during 2022-2023 include:
External Individual Donors
Dennis & Leila Preston
Keith Johnson
Linda J. Punch
Marlys K. Stabler
Patricia Lieba
Paul William Taylor
Philip Schultz
Scott Langston
William Wegener
Internal Individual Donors
Michael Berger, Ezechiel Brummels, Shona Campbell, Jackie Hahn, Cheryl Kitto, Justin Kocian, Diane LaPointe, Danielle LaPointe, Chrissy Lesher, Megan Miller, Hank Miller, Mary Lou Mitchell, Lani Moran-Samqua, Wynema Morris, Troy Munhofen, Michael Oltrogge, Dawne Price, Linda Robinson, Crystal Ross, Kristine Sudbeck, Lizzie Swalley, Susan Tyndall, Anthony Warrior
Absolute Screen Art
AJ Phillips Publishing Company
Amazon Smile
Educational Assistance Ltd
Embroidery Plus
Herbert & Marian Weston Foundation
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska- Dhegiha Language Conference
Pitzer Digital LLC
Scholarship America
Siouxland Community Foundation
UBS Financial Services, INC.